Coronavirus Communications – Q&A Series
Timely Strategies & Messaging:
In the business world, we know that we’ll face a crisis at one point or another—but a global one with the health and economic impact of Covid-19 is trying even when you are prepared.
It impacts your customers, your employees, your family and your finances. To help you navigate this uncharted territory, Komet is launching a Coronavirus Communication Q&A Blog series. Today, we’ll start with some immediate things to consider and over the next two weeks, we’ll delve deeper into the nuances of delivering exceptional customer, employee, media and social media communications strategies during this crisis.
Is my brand relevant right now?
Absolutely! How you communicate your brand internally and externally is heightened amidst a crisis, whether you are stretching your resources to meet increased demand or doing everything possible to keep your business afloat. The key is your tone and authenticity. When you proceed with empathy and a desire to serve others, you are relevant to the crisis and everyone going through it. Let’s take this a step further, if your core function as a business right now is not relevant, you can keep your brand relevant by assisting others during this time of need. This can be through providing services, donations and other means of support. People always remember who was there for them during their times of need.
How can I plan when nothing is in my control?
Control the uncontrollable. In other words, plan for the what ifs because we are in a pivotal season of what ifs. Here are a few examples. Before an employee is diagnosed with Covid-19, plan what your internal and external communications will be when it happens. Be ready to respond if media list your business as an exposure site—sharing your sanitizing practices and safe staffing procedures. If business is suffering, decide how you will deliver this news and its consequences to your employees. Planning ahead for these types of critical communications will help you to think clearly and be more prepared when the event occurs.
How do I deliver bad news?
With truth and care. While no one wants to hear bad news, we all need to accurately understand our circumstances to best prepare ourselves and our families. Being honest and transparent is an act of kindness for your employees and your customers. It also helps you and your brand maintain a position of leadership and respect which will be helpful as you rebuild.
How can I keep customers engaged?
Sometimes a business platform has to change dramatically and immediately to keep up with societal changes. You’ve seen it through restaurants turning into grocery stores and taking their services curbside amidst Coronavirus. How you adjust depends on your business, but here are a few ideas. Promote discounted gift card sales to recurring customers for future use. This helps you attain sales in the interim. Once recovery hits, travel and tourism will rebound as travelers are itching to get out and away from home. If you’re in travel and tourism, keep these future travelers engaged by posting online polls asking where they want to travel this fall since “spring break” has been pushed to “fall break” for many.
What do people want to hear about right now and does that apply to my business?
Right now, people are craving safety, compassion, economic security, and tips for improving quality of life during social distancing. Ultimately – they are looking for information that will help them create their personal peace amidst the storm. Instead of pushing your bottom line to them, start where they are and draw a line back to what you can offer. This will help you ensure that your services and messaging are on target. The big takeaway? Now is not the time to be self-serving. Be sure your customers walk away with the sense that you care for them and that their needs come before yours. This adds to your brand loyalty.
We understand that the needs of your brand will be unique. Should you need personalized assistance during this time, Komet would be glad to provide you with a free 15-minute consultation to learn more about your unique business needs and help ideate solutions. When you succeed, we all succeed.

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